威尼斯(wns8885566·中國)官方網站-2024 European Cup

Strategic layout
  • Development strategy
  • Product strategy
  • Technology strategy
  • Talent strategy
  • International strategy
  • Advance into the United States, realize the dual reporting of core products in China and the United States,
    and firmly practice the "Microdiag of the world

    Project name Core technologies
    AD early screening Neuro-derived exosome blood test, completed research and development, ready to apply for US breakthrough medical device certification
    Covid-19 nucleic acid self-test NuRapid new technology, similar to US Cue Health, declares US EUA as a US company
    Pneumonia in children
    Develop home or community testing with NuRapid technology for nucleic acid rapid testing, and plan to apply for US breakthrough medical device certification
    New products of exosomes Exosomal prostate cancer (blood test, urine test) The product series of tissue-specific exosomes will gradually apply for registration certificates in China, the United States and the European Union.
    Exosomal bowel cancer
    Exosomal liver cancer
    Exosomal breast cancer
    Exosome lung cancer
    Swipe to see full table

    Go abroad, enter the United States,
    It is the dream and expectation that the Microdiag people have been sticking to for 12 years;

    In 5 years, Microdiag entered the first-tier market in the United States and obtained original international recognition and interest premium.

    Hotline: 0512-8187-9848

    Address: Building 16, Northwest District, Suzhou Nano City, No. 99, Jinji Lake Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province